Infogolf 2024

Quattrosoft 2024.08.28

Quattrosoft was a sponsor of the Infogolf conference, which addressed various aspects of technological transformation and generational change. The event started with the opening speech by Róbert Fritsch (VISZ President), followed by the first keynote speech by Dr. Ferenc Gazdag, who presented the history of security, from "the stone axe to cyber weapons", providing a comprehensive overview of the evolution of security threats and solutions.

Kinga Incze explored the transformation of media and online platforms, the impact of generational change and how new technologies are shaping the industry. Gábor Czuczor's presentation explored the business side of generational change, encouraging the audience not to be afraid of change as it is essential for growth.

After the coffee break, András Leveli spoke about the rapid development of interactive technology, drawing interesting parallels between traditional and modern technologies ("from the stove to the death star destroyer"). Tamás Kórász spoke about the renewal of the role of the CIO and the need for adaptation. Elemér Veréb gave a presentation on the importance of transparency and controllability of IT systems.

After lunch, János Szabó spoke about hybrid virtualisation, bridging the gap between present and future technologies. Tamás Horhauzer and Jácint Juhász explored the future of data storage, highlighting the benefits of Pure Storage technology. József Cserna gave a presentation on the revolution in project management, emphasising the need to combine traditional methods with innovation to achieve success.

In the rest of the afternoon, Péter Gruhala spoke about the unstoppable process of innovation, while Ákos Vörös spoke about his university experience of adaptive digitalisation and automation. During the round table discussions, experts discussed the challenges of generational change and digital transformation.

At the end of the day, a panel discussion closed the event, with a focus on "changing the guard" and the role of CIOs and future changes. The programme concluded with dinner and the presentation of the IT Leaders of the Year awards.